Value filter sun position azimuth (1/2)

Logic group for controlling blinds according to the position of the sun.

The logic group for controlling blinds according to the position of the sun consists of 2 parts. The first part determines the position of the blinds according to the height of the sun and the second part controls the blinds/blind group according to the direction of the sky.

From the logic group "Position of the sun", the azimuth value is transferred as an integer to this logic group.

The following distributor transfers the azimuth value to several comparators. 2 comparators are active for each control group, east, south and west blinds. One comparator checks the lower limit and one the upper limit. If the value is within the range of the lower and upper limit, i.e. both comparators send a true, the AND logic releases the value. The check is carried out in all 3 value ranges. Of course, the value ranges can overlap.

There is a value filter at the output of the AND logic to send only changes to the BUS.
The output elements are group addresses for enabling blind control depending on the direction of the sky.

Data point formats
Azimuth sun position: DPT 7.*/ EIS10u (Integer, the value is between 0 and 360)
Blind release: DPT 1.* / EIS 1

(240; 2023.06)

Value filter sun position azimuth (1/2)

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.