TASMOTA Switching

The logic group enables switching via KNX of radio actuators/radio measurement actuators that work with a WiFi radio module ESP and the TASMOTA firmware.
The KNX switching command generates an http request and sends it to the TASMOTA radio module. The http request causes the switching action and a status feedback is sent simultaneously as a response.
The http request is made in the form e.g. (or off), where "" is the IP address of the TASMOTA radio actuator/radio measurement actuator. This IP must be statically assigned for the TASMOTA radio module.
Each KNX switching command (ON and OFF) is an http request. The switching command (TASMOTA switching) is branched via the logic tools TRUE and FALSE. This means that any value at the TRIG input of the http request can be used to trigger the request
In the text processor, the feedback is read from the TASMOTA radio module and sent to the output. A translator tool converts ON to TRUE and OFF to FALSE for sending as a KNX object.

Data point types of the inputs and outputs:
For switching (http sending, status message), DPT1.*/EIS1.

Uwe Müller
(239; 2023.04)

TASMOTA Switching

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.