This logic group controls an Axis network loudspeaker via http request to output voice messages via KNX telegram.
The function is enabled or disabled via the input "Enable monitoring machine 604 I/O". This allows the voice messages to be deactivated, e.g. during maintenance work.
This status is output to the KNX bus via the "Monitoring machine status" output.
With the input "Status input monitoring machine 604", the voice message is triggered after a certain time.
A delay is provided so that the voice message is only triggered when there is no staff at the machine.
Within 60 seconds, the staff at the vending machine can react and prevent the voice message.
After the delay, the previously uploaded MP3 file is retrieved via http request and played.
Playback is stopped if the value FALSE is received via one of the two inputs.
The network speaker used in this example is the Axis C1004-E.
Johannes Mastel
Mastel - EDP
(204; 2022.02)