Hooc - Request Concierge Status

To display the status of the Plug&Play VPN Concierge function in the visualisation, this logic group cyclically queries the status.

As of firmware 3.9.0, the EIBPORT offers a concierge function for VPN access. This function can be activated by the user via a group address to allow the system integrator access if required.
This logic group queries the status of this function and passes the current status on to the KNX bus (e.g. for visualisation).

To the function:
Via http request ("Hooc request"), the status of all supporters set up is queried and passed to the text processor "Select Supporter". This text processor in turn reads out the status of each individual supporter and passes this on to the subsequent text processor(s).
The following text processor "Status X. Supporter" finally outputs the status.

Depending on how many supporters have been created, the corresponding number of supporters will also be displayed.
- of outputs in the text processor "Selection Supporter" and
- of text processors "Status X. Supporter" is required.
The number can be expanded or minimised as needed.

The corresponding ID must be assigned in the text processors "Status X. Supporter". The IDs are assigned by the user in the "Supporter Administration".

In the example, the query is triggered with a delay to the date change. However, it can also be set up hourly by the time transmitter.
As an alternative to the cyclical query, a manual query is also possible at any time.

Further information about the Hooc Plug&Play VPN or the setup can be found in the separate manual under the EIBPORT documentations on our homepage.
In addition, a tutorial video on this topic - also on our homepage - is available.

Jannis Alexiou
(187; 2021.06)

Hooc - Request Concierge Status

This logic group is compatible with: EP
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.