HKL Operating mode Implementation

This logic group converts HVAC operation modes from individual 1-bit objects to an 8-bit object.
Inputs: DTP 1.001, output DTP 20.102

Depending on the input states, different telegrams are sent to the bus, whereby there is a hierarchical dependency:

If IN01 corresponds to the defined value according to comparator 01 (result==true), a corresponding telegram is sent at output OUT01.
At the same time, comparator02 is blocked via the inverter, whereby telegrams at input IN02 are ignored.
If IN01 does not correspond to the defined value, comparator 02 is released and the current state (from comparator02) is used for the further calculations.
If IN02 corresponds to the defined value (according to comparator 02), the procedure is repeated for comparator03 (IN03) and so on.
If none of the inputs INnn corresponds to the respective defined values
(ALL comparator results==false), a telegram "Operating mode == Frost protection" is sent via OUT01.

For details see DPT description according to KNX Standard Interworking Datapoint Types.

This module (inputs: DTP 1.001, output DTP 20.102) is used to set the operating mode of a condensing boiler (DTP20.102, DPT_HVACMode) which is to be integrated into the KNX, e.g. by means of Theben KNX-OT-Box, or to control room controllers (e.g. Berker 757411xx) by means of a 1-byte object.


Author: Robert Lolei, Siblik Elektrik Gmbh & Co KG, 2020-02-16

HKL Operating mode Implementation

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.