Input selector switch

The "Selection" input is used to set the (value) source for the output in this logic group.
In this way, the logic group selects which values (e.g. measured values) are forwarded via the output.

The four gate elements are activated or deactivated via the assigned integer value.
The translator tool activates the downstream gate element for exactly one valid value. In all other cases, the downstream gate elements are locked. In addition, the translator tool converts the integer value into a boolean to cleanly activate or deactivate the gate element.
Thus, only the gate element is always active and passes on the received value to the output.

In the example configuration, the integer value "1" activates the first source, "2" the second source, "3" the third source and the value "4" the fourth source.
All remaining values lock all gate elements. In this state, the logic group does not send any values via the output.

Input selector switch

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.