This logic group controls e.g. a blind exclusively via a single KNX group address.
This means that one push-button or one visualisation element is sufficient to control the blinds.
The telegram value at the input is irrelevant.
The logic group therefore sends "Start up", "Stop", "Shut down" and "Stop" alternately in response to each telegram received.
The "Blind" control is controlled via the two outputs "Move output" and "Stop output".
Explanation of how it works:
To realise this control, this logic group uses an index (1- go up; 2- stop; 3- go down; 4- stop) that is incremented after each step.
One exception must be taken into account here:
If the blind is not stopped by the user (blind moves to the end position), the next step ("Stop") must be skipped!
For this purpose, the inputs "Status Up" (contact end position up) and "Status Down" (contact end position down) are required in this logic group.
In these two cases, the index is then simply set to a given value to skip the "stop" step.
If the communication objects "Status Up" and "Status Down" are not available in the application of the actuator, the position of the blind can be used as an alternative.
This checks the position of the blind for the values 0% and 100% in order to skip the "stop" step.