Twilight blind

This logic group sets blinds to different positions depending on the brightness (with the help of a twilight switch).

There are 12 outputs for blinds in the logic group, which are divided into three groups.
The reason for the division is that different positions and behaviours are desired for each group, which are set when falling below and exceeding the brightness.

While falling below the brightness level, the group
- "Bedroom" on 85%,
- "Living" on 99% and
- "Rest" on 75%
When exceeding the brightness, on the other hand, the positions are
- "Living" 0% and
- "Rest" 0%
In this case, the "Bedroom" group remains unchanged and is not changed by the logic group when the brightness is exceeded. For this purpose, only one byte value for "1" is stored in the translator tool.

How it works.
The twilight switch only switches "1" and "0" (1-bit value) if the corresponding preset brightness value is exceeded or undershot.
This bit telegram is the first to be inverted and forwarded to the three subsequent distributors via the first distributor.
This makes it possible to configure the different positions for the individual groups separately.

Before the bit value can be transferred to the three distributors, the bit value must be converted into a byte value. This makes it possible to set the blind positions.
The desired positions of the blinds are stored in the translator tool and can be adjusted if necessary.
Before the second and third group, an additional delay tool is connected in order to limit the "bus load" and not to trigger all distributors at the same time.

by Markus Brodmerkel

Twilight blind

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.