Save energy with Energy Monitor
Step by step.
Step by step.
In order to save energy, it is first necessary to know one's own energy consumers. This is also a prerequisite for effective energy management. Therefore, the primary task is to collect the consumption or energy data. The collection and presentation of energy data should be done in such a way that a comprehensive and meaningful assessment is possible. With our top consumer element in the web-based visualisation Control L of the EIBPORT we offer a simple way to display energy values, compare them and show trends.
The top consumer element offers the following functions:
Procedure for use
The energy and measured values that are stored in your EIBPORT must first be converted into a uniform data type. The energy values of your energy meters, the current recordings via KNX actuators as well as values from various BUS systems serve as output data, regardless of whether these are already available or still need to be retrofitted.
Thus we have measured values directly in the KNX, but also measured values from integrated systems. In addition to the direct KNX measured values, there are also the measured values that are already available via the APPMODULE transferred to the KNX with the Smart Home Apps. In the integrated LOGIKEDITOR of your EIBPORT there are a number of prefabricated logic groups to carry out adaptations of the data types. You can import the respective logic groups from directly into your LOGIKEDITOR. After the import, the inputs and outputs as well as their data point types (DPT) must be adapted to your system, as shown below with examples.
Logic group: Calculate electricity consumer (A) in kWh
This logic group is used to convert current intensity into energy values. The accuracy of the values is determined by the measuring interval. Irrespective of the measuring interval, the calculation is performed internally every second. Smaller measuring intervals are therefore not taken into account. The logic group has a power output W. A statistics element is used to output the mean value at 15s intervals in order to smooth out large power fluctuations (jumps).
The energy values are output as:
Logic group: Z-Wave eMonitor
In this logic group, the measured values are retrieved cyclically via an http request, processed and sent to the KNX bus. In addition to the current power, the calculated daily and monthly consumption are also output. The query is made every 15 minutes via compatible Z-Wave devices (e.g. Z-Wave HUB or RaZberry). When the date is changed, the daily count value is determined and the monthly count value is output on the 1st of the month.
The following values are available for visualisation or further processing:
In order to obtain meaningful comparisons, it is advisable to compare consumers with similar value ranges in particular. Sometimes it can also be useful to compare large consumers with consumption groups, such as the consumers in one room, office technology in the study or multimedia unit in the living room.
The energy consumption analysis always refers to uniform time periods such as day, week and month to enable comparisons. In this way, you keep an eye on energy consumption and can influence it.