Value filter

To filter individual values, this logic group can be used.
This example forwards all values to the output, the only exception is the value "0", which is not output to the output.

This function is realised with a Tor element and translator tool.
For this purpose, the GATE input of the gate element is simply controlled (activated/deactivated) via a translator tool.

The process:
Via the distributor, the input value first arrives in the translator and (depending on the value) is forwarded to the gate input of the gate element.
The input value is then also sent to the door element via the distributor and forwarded depending on the status of the door element.

Which input value is forwarded or not is decided by the configuration of the translator tool.
Here, TRUE is set as the fallback value. This means that all values are "translated" into a TRUE.
Excluded are the values for which a rule is entered.
In this example, the value 0 is entered, which is translated to FALSE and thus locks the gate element. By the way, the translator tool also allows multiple values.


Value filter

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.