Solar-Log 300

This logic group reads out current measured values of a photovoltaic system. The read-out data can thus be displayed in a KNX visualisation or made available for functions and actions.
The measured values of the photovoltaic system are provided via the network interface of the Solar-Log 300 from the manufacturer "Solare Datensysteme GmbH".

For the function of the logic group:
The data is requested via the cyclic transmitter every 10 minutes by the logic editor http request element.
In addition, the cyclic transmitter is synchronised every day at 7 a.m. in order to always query the data in the same time grid.

The text processor extracts the individual measured values from the received JSON data and sends them to the KNX bus via the eight outputs.
Some of these measured values are additionally divided by 1000 to output them in kWh instead of Wh.

This logic group outputs the following values:
(101) Power currently PV system
(105) Daily yield PV system (value converted to kWh)
(107) Monthly yield of PV system (value converted to kWh)
(108) Annual yield PV system (value converted to kWh)
(110) Current consumption
(111) Daily consumption (value converted to kWh)
(113) Monthly consumption (value converted to kWh)
(114) Annual consumption (value converted to kWh)

Here are the other measured values that the Solar-Log 300 can provide:
(100) Time
(102) Total power PAC from all inverters
(103) Average voltage UAC of the inverters
(104) Average voltage UDC of the inverters
(106) Yesterday's summed daily yield of all inverters
(109) Total yield of all inverters
(112) Total consumption of yesterday; all consumption meters
(115) Total summed consumption, all consumption meters
(116) Installed generator power

For more information about the Solar-Log 300 and the documentation of the open JSON interface, see:

Solar-Log 300

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.