Beater shutter control

This logic group opens and closes flapping shutters via a bit input. The shutters are started one after the other and with a predefined delay. The shutters are closed in reverse order.

Via the "input", the flapping shutters are opened with the value TRUE and closed with FALSE.

When opening, output 1 is started first (opened). After the preset delay ("Delay 1&2" input in seconds) has elapsed, output 2 is started.
The travel times (also in seconds) of the two flapping shutters are set by the user via the inputs "Travel time 1" and "Travel time 2".
When closing, the order of the outputs is then reversed. Output 2 is started first (closed) and output 1 is started after the specified delay.

Beater shutter control

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.