Here is a logic for controlling cameras from INSTAR via http request.
With this logic, various functions in the camera are called up via a group address (1byte 0-255) and the values 0-19.
Via the input "Control INSTAR 7011", depending on the integer value, functions such as
- PTZ (Pan and Tilt continuous)
- PTZ step (pan and tilt stepwise)
- Move to position
- IR LED (control)
Since the four functions do not use the same URL, a separate http request logic editor element was created for each function.
The individual integer values are linked to the following functions:
PTZ (trigger value 0 - 4)
0 = Stop
1 = Left
2 = Right
3 = Up
4 = Down
PTZ Step (trigger value 16 - 19)
16 = Right
17 = Left
18 = Up
19 = Down
Move to position (trigger value 5 - 12)
5 = Pos. 1
6 = Pos. 2
7 = Pos. 3
8 = Pos. 4
9 = Pos 5
10 = Pos 6
11 = Pos 7
12 = Pos 8
IR LED (trigger value 13 - 15)
13 = car
14 = On
15 = Off
In order to use the logic group, it is necessary to exchange the placeholders [user], [password], [IP address] and [port] for the actual configured values.
Here are the URL paths used for information:
For PTZ control:
For the position
http:// [user]:[password]@[IP-Address]:[port]/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-act=goto&-status=1&-number=[0-7]
PTZ Step
http:// [user]:[password]@[IP-Address]:[port]/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=1&-act=[left;right;...]
http://[user]:[password]@[IP-Address]:[port]/ cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd=setinfrared&-infraredstat=[auto...]
The documentation of the interface and other possible commands can be accessed via the following link:
Alexander Zappe
(134; 2019-05)