Google drive time

This logic group determines the regular and traffic situation-dependent travel time of a given route through Google Maps via http request.
The start and destination address is entered in the http request element.
Here are all the URL parameters that are passed
- origins (start address),
- destinations (destination address),
- mode (drive; means of transport),
- language (de-DE; also used for the units)
- departure_time (now; set departure time to the current time)
- key (Google API for Maps)

The start and destination address can simply be found and taken over via the Google Maps route planner. For testing purposes, you can compare the location information with the Google Maps website.

The answer is evaluated with the text processor element "Evaluation". The four texts are
- Removal
- Duration (regular driving time)
- Duration of traffic situation (journey duration with current traffic situation)
- Status (message whether the query was successful)

The following information is output as values:
- Distance Value (converted to kilometres)
- Duration Value (converted into minutes)
- Duration Traffic situation Value (converted into minutes)
The values are sent as floating point numbers.

The manual trigger can, for example, trigger the query via a weekly clock, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. in 5-minute intervals.

An API key from Google is required for this query.
Note: This Google service may incur costs!

More information about the Google Maps API:

Information about the Google service and pricing:

Google drive time

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.