Co2 traffic light

A simple logic group to realise a Co2 traffic light in a visualisation.
When switching from green to yellow, an acoustic signal is triggered via the visualisation in addition to the display.

The three value inputs (limit 1-3) are linked to the limit switches of a Co2 sensor. If the value exceeds the limit, a 1 is sent, if it falls below the limit, a 0 is sent. Of course, the value never falls below limit value 1, which is why the colour green always lights up. In the visualisation (e.g. CONTROL L), smileys in the colours green, yellow and red are used to activate the three outputs, or more precisely, to fade them in or out.
The respective "smileys" are simply superimposed in the visualisation. In this way, only the activated "smiley" in the corresponding colour is always visible.
The status indicator visualisation element is used as a bell, which is not visible with 0% transparency on the visualisation side, but can be heard.

Markus Dworak
Siblik Elektrik GesmbH&CoKG
(208; 2022.04)

Co2 traffic light

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.