BYD energy storage instantaneous values

Measured values from a BYD energy storage unit are interrogated cyclically with this logic group and sent to the KNX bus.

In this project, a BYD energy storage system is connected via a Fronius inverter.
With the cyclical query (every minute), all current instantaneous values of the energy storage device that are relevant for energy management are queried.
The values read out are:
- Battery status (%)
- Emergency power active?
- EVU topical (W)
- Current consumption (W)
- PV generation current (W)
- Current battery charge (W)

To use the logic group, only the IP address must be replaced in the http request element.
If desired, the polling interval can be adjusted.

Note: The test was carried out with a Gen24, it is possible that a Symo or other energy storage devices can also be queried, but this has not been tested.
The basis for creating the query was the Fronius API documentation.

Zack Markus
Siblik Elektrik GmbH & Co KG
(206; 2022.03)

BYD energy storage instantaneous values

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.