Timeout function

This logic group switches off an electrical device if it is in e.g. standby mode for a certain time.

Power consumers that are therefore no longer switched on or are in standby can be detected and switched off by this logic group.

The function works as follows:
The measured current is transferred to the logic group via the "Current measurement" input.
The user can transfer the limit value to the logic group via the "Limit value" input.
In addition, the user can also set a waiting time. This may be necessary if the power consumer is not to be switched off immediately by this logic group.

If this specified limit value is
is fallen below for the duration of the specified waiting time, a 0 is sent to the output and thus the power consumer is switched off.

Timeout function

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.