Fuel price

With this logic group, information of a selected petrol station is requested via http request.

The available information of this "detail" query is:
- Name of the petrol station
- Provider
- Opening hours
- Whether the petrol station is open 24 hours
- Price for E10
- Price for E5
- Diesel price
- Provider and
- Whether the petrol station is currently open

An API key is required for the query.
The API key can be requested via the page https://creativecommons.tankerkoenig.de.

The query of this logic group is triggered by the trigger.
Through the "Translator" tool, after the trigger, the query is always triggered regardless of the telegram value.
In this configuration, the query is triggered manually.

The text processor "Evaluation" determines the desired information from the http request response.

The answer for "is Open?" is passed with "true" and "false".
To make this answer easier to understand, the following translator translates into the text "open" (true) and "closed" (false).

The output "Status" reports with "Ok" that the query was OK.

Further information is available at https://creativecommons.tankerkoenig.de/.

Fuel price

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.