Enable for weekdays

Via the visualisation, this logic group can be used to enable or disable a weekly clock for each individual day of the week.
With seven inputs (one input for each day of the week), it is very simple and uncomplicated to determine with one click on which days of the week the weekly clock is active or not.
The seven value memories store the current status for each day of the week. The value memories are triggered via a timer element. Here, the output Weekday (WEEKDAY) of the timer element is connected to the trigger inputs of all value memories. The weekdays are numbered as follows:
1 - Monday
2 - Tuesday
3 - Wednesday
4 - Thursday
5 - Friday
6 - Saturday
7 - Sunday

To ensure that only one value memory element is triggered at a time, the TRIG inputs of the value memory are configured with a filter function according to the numbering of the weekdays. In this way, only the value memory for the current weekday is triggered.
Only the corresponding value memory sends the stored value (TRUE/FALSE) to the GATE input of the week clock and thus activates or deactivates the week clock for the current day of the week.



Enable for weekdays

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.