SolarEdge value query

This example shows how to read values from a SolarEdge solar system.

The SolarEdge Monitoring API is used to retrieve the values from a SolarEdge solar installation.

For the function of the logic group:
The data is requested via the Trigger input every 15 minutes by the logic editor http-Request element.
In addition, it can be triggered by an input.

The following text processor extracts the values from the response of the http request and sends them to the outputs.
Some of these readings are divided by 1000 to output them in kWh instead of Wh.
However, any factor can also be entered in the calculator tool to convert the values as desired. For example, to convert the annual yield to MWh.

This logic group outputs the following values:
- lastUpdateTime
- lifeTimeData energy (value converted to kWh)
- lastYearData energy (value converted to kWh)
- lastMonthData energy (value converted to kWh)
- lastDayData energy (value converted to kWh)
- currentPower power (value converted to kW)

For a successful query, the http query must contain the values for
- API-Key [API-KEY] for the SolarEdge (
- and Site ID [SITE ID] (found on the dashboard (overview page) of the SolarEdge web interface).
be specified.

Christian Geier
(198; 2021.11)

SolarEdge value query

This logic group is compatible with: EP, LOM
*With the download you accept the Notes on use for logic groups.